Saturday, September 8, 2018

What a CTE Diploma Means to Me (redux)

     In NYC High Schools students are awarded one of two diplomas at graduation, a Regents diploma or an Advanced Regents diploma. Both require a certain amount of credits and/or regents passed to earn them and the requirements and benefits have many differences. Genrally, however, an Advanced diploma is better in the fact that it makes a student more attractive to colleges. Some select schools also give a CTE endorsement to a diploma. This endorsement is given when a student completes a CTE track and recognizes a student's skill in the industry their track was about. It essentially tells employers that a student is ready for a high level job in that industry. This endorsement also has its requirements but comes with many benefits as well.
     Starting with the requirements for the diplomas, an Advanced diploma takes more effort to obtain than a regular one. Credits  for graduation requirements are spread amongst 8 subjects and several elective classes for both. The requirements in common are earning 8 credits in ELA, 8 credits in Social Studies, 6 credits in Math, 6 credits in Science, 4 credits in PE, 1 credit in Health, and 2 credits in the Arts. The differences in credits are mainly in LOTE and electives. For a regular diploma 2 LOTE credits and 7 electives must be obtained, however, an Advanced diploma requires 6 LOTE and 3 electives.

     In addition to differences in credits there are differences in regents you must pass. To earn a regular diploma a student needs to pass up to 5 regents tests: 4 must come from each of the 4 core subjects and the other must be another regents certified test. To earn an Advanced diploma more regents must be passed. Up to 9 regents tests must be passed: 1 from ELA, 3 from Math, 1 from Social Studies, 2 from Science, any amount of LOTE, and any other certified tests.

     The requirements for a CTE endorsement are very different from those of any Regents diploma. This is because To get a CTE endorsement you follow a CTE track and take courses not common in standard high schools. An unmentioned requirement is get a Regents/Advanced Regents diploma since you still need to graduate high school. Besides that the requirements are 7 CTE credits, 1 CFM credit, 1 industry certification exam, and a Meaningful enhanced WBL experience. These requirements are only filled on the CTE track and not a regular high schools track since the courses and exams needed are exclusive to CTE.

     The benefits of a CTE endorsement are plenty. One benefit is being able to attain an Advanced diploma without having to earn 6 LOTE and 3 elective credits. If the CTE track is fully completed a student only needs 2 LOTE and all electives are covered by the CTE track. Another benefit is certification exams. Cert. exams can count as a regents so to get to 9 regents for and Advanced diploma is easier. Regents that a student has failed can be replaced by a cert. exam. Only ELA can't be replaced. Getting and endorsement through Web Design has its unique benefits. Through Web Design you learn about creating websites. You can learn how to code in various coding languages and you get to learn how to use programs such as DreamWeaver to create sites. You also learn how to design webpages to make them look nice. You learn how to use Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign to do this, Finally, with the skills you learn in Web Design you can get a good paying job out of high school or become a freelancer.

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