Saturday, April 7, 2018

Power Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

     Critical Thinking and Problem Solving are very valuable assets of an employee. They can also be very valuable to a web designer. A web designer will constantly face problems with building their website and so must always be able to asses the problem and find a solution. For example, the typography/layout of the website will have to be constantly assessed to make it optimal as well as the actual content of the website. A website must look good and have good content but  a problem that may arise while trying to do so is the load time of the website. At a technical level (coding) trying to make the website look good and have good content may be too much and will cause the load time of the site to suffer, which may be bad for impatient viewers. In this case a good web designer will asses the problem at a technical level and will find a solution. Maybe by changing the organization, cutting content, or moving excess content to other pages a good web designer will find a way through. All in all, being able to asses and solve problems helps you get out of sticky situations. Having these skills will help you make progress when the going gets tough and will make you a more productive worker since you're able to make progress and get more done.

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