Tuesday, January 9, 2018

My Third WBL Workshop

     Our third WBL workshop was about working jobs as a teen. We learned about some ways teens can get injured on their job. The most common injuries came from slips, falls, burns, and cuts. We also learned that working as a teen can be stressful. One of the reasons why is that much is expected from you from your employers, managers, etc. Another reason is that teens are inexperienced and don't know how to do a lot of things required of them in the workplace. We were told to combat this we should ask questions. If we don't know how to do something it is better to ask how to do it rather than risk doing it wrong or injuring yourself doing it.
     We also learned about safety rules and rights. We learned that as teen we are not allowed to work with machinery. We learned that there are a certian amount of hours we are allowed to work and past a certian time if we're still working there must be an adult present. We also learned that if we get injured on the job it is within our right to file a claim. If we don't feel comfortable doing something at our job and our employer is not listening we can tell an adult in school. Overall this workshop taught us various aspects of working a job as a teen.

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